Speaking About Varnasrama 2nd edition


An indispensable overview of the topic of varnasrama social organization, from Srila Prabhupada’s unique perspective.  Early in the book, Srila Prabhupada explains to a Russian scholar, that varnasrama automatically exists in every society, because Krsna created it.  But that is a materialistic version of varnasrama, and won’t help people in their spiritual development.  Later in the book he refutes Indian government officials who conflate varnasrama with the Indian caste system.  That also will not help people with their spiritual development.

In the early portion of the book, Srila Prabhupada seems to reject varnasrama, promoting the idea that all his followers should aim for the high ideal of becoming brahmanas, spiritual leaders of society.  But, by the end, he realizes that varnasrama will make it possible for a much larger group of people to succeed in spiritual life.  When a follower reminds him that Lord Caitanya rejected varnasrama, Srila Prabhupada replies, “Our position is different.”  And that by developing daivi varnasrama – adjusted for modern conditions – we can give an opportunity for every person, regardless of their individual material nature, to obtain spiritual perfection.

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