News and Events

world tour 2025Bhakti Raghava Swami World Tour  

Our theme is MAKE VRINDAVAN VILLAGES. The tour will take Bhakti Raghava Swami to a Africa, Europe, North America and then Far East Asia before returning to Bharat.



MARCH 11 SPAIN: ISKCON NUEVA VRAJAMANDALA have three cows who have never given birth to a calf but yet have been giving milk daily spontaneously for years, the longest on its 7th year. And they also have cows who have given birth to a calf but continue giving milk years after without again giving birth to another calf. 

MARCH 5 CAMEROON: Devotees in Kamyavan continue to lead the way in producing devotee grown food. All temples and all devotees should make a determined effort to grow some amount of food. 

MARCH 2 TOGO:  Participated in Food for Life Prasadam distribution.  A few devotees involved with the Gita Nagari project received Harinam initiation  at a homa ceremony.  Since my last visit devotees have made some important renovations, including setting up a brand new temple altar in the middle of the courtyard. 

MARCH 1 DAMODARDESH:  This morning I attended a home program where some 40 devotees were present. Although it was a regular Srimad-Bhagavatam class, I took the opportunity to introduce the subject matter of Varnasrama. 

FEBRUARY 26: KANHAIYADESH: Program at the New Vrindavan Hall where the topic was The Three Gifts of Nature as explained in the Mahabharata by Grandfather Bhismadeva, namely 1) Cows, 2) Land, and 3) Knowledge.   Many devotees appreciated the relevancy of cows and some shared that they were brought back to the days of their childhood life when they lived in villages.

FEBRUARY 24: Vijaya Ekadasi, a great day to start a three month tour that is meant to bring us closer to triumph and success, vijaya!  From Burkina Faso, West Africa:  Today's prasadam distribution (Food For Life) in a village called BISSIRI (52km from Ouagadougou Burkina Faso).  More than 400 boxes and many items distributed.


Follow Bhakti Raghava Swami daily on his BRS Daily Snippets.

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Devotees interested to follow and be more involved in the Global Varnasrama Mission will find valuable information on how they can actively participate by downloading the following link:

Make Vrindavan Villages    

VCF Campus News

We are preparing to collect Vedic literatures from our various Vaisnava Acharyas for our Bhaktivedanta Research Center that will cater to both our Geeta Pathshala Gurukula and our Varnasrama College. Devotees who have extra books or who would like to donate books to our library may contact Rasanand prabhu who is one of our in-house Researcher at  +91 84315 08924.

Prabhu Nityananda has been nicely coordinating the work connecting the  water waste from the kitchen to a new tank. Work should soon be completed. The Yajna Shala was nicely completed.  The work at the Geeta Pathshala Gurukula continues at a good pace.

Acyutananda prabhu, our Architect from Kolkata, is planning the first meeting of Bengali preachers interested to promote Varnasrama related courses once a month at our Varnasrama Resource Center here at our VCF Campus. Devotees interested to teach or take classes may contact him at +91 82401 72009.

Varnashram Resource Center Changes
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