Varnashrama Resource Center

Expanding the Final Stage of the Sankirtan Mission


The Varnashrama Resource Center in Sri NandiGram, Sridham Mayapur, Bharat, will offer resources and training to promote the culture of Daiva Varnashrama Dharma as envisioned by ISKCON Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The project will feature a Vaisnava Research Center and library, Residential Quarters, Traditional Gurukula, Yajna Shala, Sri Surabhi Goshala, Guest House, and Permaculture Teaching Gardens.  Everyone is welcome!
“Srila Prabhupada instructed us to ‘Make Vrindavan Villages’ for people to experience the wonderful atmosphere of a cow-centered agrarian community as Lord Krishna Himself chooses to live following the principles of Daiva Varnashrama Dharma.   There has never been a greater need to encourage this paradigm shift to the world than right now! ― HH RP Bhakti Raghava Swami             
In the epicenter of the project is the Temple of worship of Sri Sri Krishna Balarama, the presiding Deities of the project, and the original Farm Acaryas.             

Why Daiva Varnashrama?

If you look closely at the life of Srila Prabhupada, from his early preaching to politicians in India, through his expansion of ISKCON and continuing until his final pastimes, he had a plan for four consecutive movements within his preaching strategy, culminating in Daiva Varnasarama as the final wave.          

Varnashrama Milestones

Everyone knows a few months before his disappearance, Srila Prabhupada departed from Vrindavan for America via London to the Gita Nagari Community in Pennsylvania. But what is not commonly known is that introducing Daiva Varnashrama as a way for people in general to come to devotional service was not only found throughout Srila Prabhupada’s preaching.          
This plan for it to be the ultimate method of the world coming to Krishna consciousness was also clearly expressed by both Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.          

In an issue of the Gaudiya Matha magazine “The Harmonist”, Bhaktivinoda Thakur was quoted as making two significant predictions…

  1. Some person imbued with the power of God will again establish the true Varnashrama Dharma in accordance with the Divine Dispensation.
  2. Within a short time there will exist only one Sampradaya (School) in the realm of devotion 'bhakti'. Its name will be "Sri Brahma Sampradaya." All other Sampradayas will merge in this Brahma Sampradaya.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, in an interview with Professor Albert Suthers of Ohio State University, USA          

“They (the Vaisnavas) say that the service of God or love of God is the principal matter. Other matters should be helpful and subservient to that principal matter. When the two things, viz., innate tendency and circumstance of man become ready to be helpful towards the principal matter viz., God's service, then is established a good social order known as Daiva-varnasrama (divine system of castes and stages of life). Till the natural tendency of the human soul is manifest, the violation of this order causes much disorder and difficulty both individually and aggregately. This caste system follows man's nature and predilection. It is scientific to ascertain one's caste in accordance with one's natural predilection.”          


Srila Prabhupada writes Sardar Dr. Vallavbhaiji Patel, first Deputy Prime Minister of India and asks for funding detailing a strategic masterplan of four waves leading to Daiva Varnashrama ushering in the respiritualization of India. 
He seeks funding by drawing parallels with Gandhi’s plans for introducing self-sufficiency back to the nation and achieving a God-conscious society free of caste.
srila prabhupada
In an article titled “Conception of Gita Nagari” published in his early Back to Godhead magazine, Srila Prabhupada lists four “movements” he envisions are required to progressively deliver Krishna consciousness to the world. The first three were exactly the path followed by ISKCON in the first 12 years of its expansion.
  1. The Sankirtan Movement          
    Wide scale Harinama and distribution and instruction of Bhagavad Gita to the masses.
  2. Temple Worship Movement           
    Construction of temples with installation of Deities. Making and training of Brahmanas to perform worship.
  3. Spiritual Initiation Movement           
    Congregational preaching and initiating devotees not only living within temples but also living outside (Nama Hatta and Bhakti Vriksha).
  4. Classless Society Movement - Daiva Varnashrama           
    Agrarian cow centered rural communities giving shelter and engagement to everyone regardless of qualification. This last wave and final phase of his masterplan he refers to as the “Conception of Gita Nagari”.
Srila Prabhupada speaks to devotees in Vrindavan and says it is time to establish “Everywhere, wherever we have got our center, varnasrama college should be established.          
Speaking with Ministers of the Andhra Pradesh government:          

“The varnasrama-dharma, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, this is plan just to teach the whole society how to perform yajña. Varṇāśramācāra-vatā. Therefore, this is the beginning of human civilization… So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is an educational movement to teach people how one should voluntarily return the property of the Lord to the Lord. That is called yajña. Yajñārthāt karmaṇo 'nyatra loko 'yaṁ karma-bandhanaḥ (BG 3.9.)          
While talking with devotees about his imminent departure, Srila Prabhupada said “I have no lamentation”. He paused for a moment, and then said, “No, I have one lamentation.” A devotee asked, “Because you have not finished translating the Srimad-Bhagavatam?” Prabhupada replied, “No, that I have not established Varnashrama.”           

A little later he added, “Fifty percent of my work is not complete because I have not established Varnashrama.”          

How Can You Create A Classless Society In A Society Made Of Four Classes?

In his list of four consecutive “movements” in spreading Krishna Consciousness, why does Srila Prabhupada describe Daiva Varnashrama as a “Classless society” when the term specifically refers to a society made up of four divisions?          
“From the Gita Nagari, this universal Truth must be propagated systematically, so that REAL HUMAN SOCIETY may be established for the benefit of all, dividing the categories of men according to natural modes of nature. Such social order on the basis of the Bhagavad-gita over the world may be called the institution of natural caste system or the casteless society.          

In that institution of natural caste system all divisions of men will be engaged in one transcendental business of spiritual community with equal status of life and with equal importance of co-operative value as much as the different parts of the one whole body have different functions only but qualitatively, they are one and the same.          

The idea is that Daiva varnasrama is meant that regardless of a particular role or activity amongst different divisions, because it is all done with the spirit of exclusively satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all participants are equal due to all being situated in the same exalted state of consciousness.”          
Wasn’t Varnashrama rejected by Gauranga Mahaprabhu in His conversations with Ramananda Raya?

What the Lord was rejecting was conditional Varnashrama distracted by the pursuit of the four principles of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Srila Prabhupada's vision of Daiva Varnashrama was a culture based on all activities being done for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.          

Srila Prabhupada          
“Either you be a Kshatriya or a Brahmana or a potter or a washerman or whatever you may be, it doesn’t matter… If somebody says that ‘Sir, I am potter. How can I be Krishna conscious? It requires that one should be a Brahmana, one should be very learned man, Vedanta philosophy, and one must have the sacred thread… So I am a potter. I am a cobbler. I am a washerman.’ No. Krishna says, ‘No. You do not require to change.’ Caitanya Mahaprabhu also says, ‘You do not require to change.’ You just try to worship the Supreme Lord by the result of your occupation. Because Krishna requires everything. So, if you are a potter, you supply pots. If you are florist, you supply flower. If you are carpenter, you work for temple. If you are washerman, then wash clothing of the temple. Temple is the center, Krishna. And everyone gets chance to offer his service… You be engaged in your service. Don’t change your service. But you try to serve the temple, means the Supreme Lord.”

We practically see that over the decades, devotees in ISKCON have not really embraced self-sufficiency, or rural, cow-centered living. Why is that?

If we carefully study Srila Prabhupada’s statements about introducing Daiva Varnashrama, we see that it requires significant organization, planning and resources. This might explain why he said that it would represent the equivalent of the all work he had previously done, the “unfinished 50%”, that would require him to “sit down” in Gita Nagari and oversee its creation personally.




Sri Surabhi Goshala

Our project will also practically show the value of protecting and serving cows. Next to the temple of Krishna and Balaram will be our Goshala which will provide them milk and ghee. Visitors can interact with them by brushing and feeding them. They will learn from their caretakers how human beings are completely dependent on them precious ingredients they produce for living a happy and healthy life.          

Recently at an international conference, Allan Savory, considered one of the world authorities of soil regeneration and conservation, held up a plate and said, “On this plate is the secret of how we can effectively restore the lands on this planet that have become desert from over farming and neglect, turning them into a fertile paradise” What was he holding up on the plate? Cow dung!          

In addition to using her dung to maintain the health of our grass and permaculture gardens planted throughout the property, we will show visitors how dung can be used to generate methane biogas which will power our projects kitchens.          

World Tour 2025 Slideshow

Goshala at New Vrajamandala Farm Community in SPAIN
Goshala at New Vrajamandala Farm Community in SPAIN
Program with Shyamsharan prabhu in YAOUNDE, CAMEROON
Program with Shyamsharan prabhu in YAOUNDE, CAMEROON
Traditional African dress and headpiece in Togo
Traditional African dress and headpiece in Togo
Gita Nagari initiatied Devotees
Gita Nagari initiatied Devotees
Gita Nagari (Togo) initiation
Gita Nagari (Togo) initiation
Food for Life Prasadam distribution in  Lomé, Capital of Togo
Food for Life Prasadam distribution in Lomé, Capital of Togo
Dubai devotees
Dubai devotees
Dubai program
Dubai program
Three Gifts of Nature presentation in Kuwait
Three Gifts of Nature presentation in Kuwait
Vegetables grown at Sadashivpet, Kamyavan.  Excess is sold to devotees.
Vegetables grown at Sadashivpet, Kamyavan. Excess is sold to devotees.