At the moment we are particularly looking for someone trained in permaculture who might want to help us with our overall planting design, and better yet, come and spend some time with us on location or stay with us in residence on the property.
There are many roles to either assist in getting the message out through digital and social media and also respond to those who reach out as a result. Maintaining contact with the increasing volume of devotees from around the world contacting us for more information. This is vital to making connections with and support and encourage those who want to start their own varnasrama inspired rural agricultural projects. We also need creative individuals like writers, graphic designers, webmasters to help us produce and maintain exciting content to post across a variety of platforms in conjunction with our communications team.
Research Team
Fortunately these roles that can be done from anywhere in the world by those excited in expanding the varnasrama revolution, the final wave of the Sankirtan movement. The service opportunity is open to all devotees regardless of experience. Volunteer research team members will work directly with project director HH Bhakti Raghava Maharaja.
- To promote general research in and help increase awareness about the varnasrama mission globally.
- To help train and educate devotees and the public at large on the basic principles the essential role Daiva Varnashrama Dharma will play in the bringing the world to accept Krishna Consciosness.
- To work closely with various ISKCON entities to both report their varnasrama initiatives and see that they receive support in this work from our resource center.
- To work with other secular educational, scientific, social, religious and cultural incstitutions that may have similar goals and objectives.
- To help revive interest in India’s Vedic traditional practices and also in village technologies.
- To do in-depth study and research on topics of varnasrama from both devotional and non-devotional sources.
- To help maintain our website “resource” page by creating, updating, and organizing its content.