A selection of books and articles on various varnashrama-related topics.

An indispensable overview of the topic of varnasrama social organization, from Srila Prabhupada’s unique perspective. Early in the book, Srila Prabhupada explains to a Russian scholar, that varnasrama automatically exists in every society, because Krsna created it. But that is a materialistic version of varnasrama, and won’t help people in their spiritual development. ...

This is the essay of Gita Nagari originally published in an 1956 issue of Back to Godhead Magazine. Srila Prabhupada lays out his master plan for four consecutive “Movements” within the Sankirtan mission that concludes with the creation of Daiva Varnashrama leading to the salvation of all people on the planet. ISKCON has made great strides while executing the first three phases, and the essay sheds...

Beginner’s Guide to Simple Living and High Thinking

This document was initially prepared on the occasion of ISKCON's Golden Jubilee in the year 2016. Since then, various developments have taken place, one being especially the inauguration of the Varnashrama College ONLINE (VCO) in May of 2020 ( The activities of the VCO have prompted Maharaja to once again focus on the neglected topic of Varnashrama Dharma since that is one...

Conversations of Srila Prabhupada in various moods, be it morning walk, lecture or conversations sets principles, guidelines and clears innumerable confusions, doubts and misunderstanding of disciples. Here, we can understand his desire, mission, practical insights, predictions, experience and realizations shared in a very frank manner.
What makes the book very lovely is the editing...

A synopsis of a doctoral dissertation by Dr. Real L. J. Gagnon (H.H. R. P. Bhakti Raghava Swami Maharaj), submitted to Osmania University, India, in 2022 for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology.
This document is essential reading for those wanting to thoroughly understand Daiva Varnashrama and its importance in the unfolding of a world-wide embrace of Krishna Consciousness....
The Fourth Wave, 2010, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
THE FOURTH WAVE, a collection of articles written by HH Bhakti Raghava Swami for the monthly newsletter THE EIGHT PETALS. They provide a selection of articles for anyone who wants to establish Daiva Varnashrama in their own rural community. Compiled are 11 articles which cover:
- Janmastami & the Varnashrama Mission
- Varnashrama…Mission Impossible
- Traditional Education
- Vedic Technology, Arts & Crafts
- Leadership Crisis
- What is Dharma?
- Guiding Principles for Rural Communities or Villages
- The Sacred Oath: Protect our Sacred Mothers- the Cow & the Earth
- Village Life: Our Philosophy, Our Education, Our Lifestyle
- Grhastha Asrama: A Vedic Perspective
- Vedic Solution to Food Problems
Implementing Varnashrama! – GLOVESCO Reference Guide, 2008, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
This book is the result of many years of effort chalking out a path in a very practical way towards realising the Daiva Varnashrama Mission. It proposes implementing a systematic arrangement of coordinators internationally, nationally, regionally even including village coordinators. Various tools such as Varnashrama Research Teams, small groups of devotees interested in Varnashrama will equip the reader to get involved in the mission.
The Science of Daiva Varnashrama, 2012, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
Daiva Varnashrama dharma is the science and art of devotional service. Since this is less understood, numerous doubts, myths and confusions surround the topic. The book ‘The Science of Daiva Varnashrama’ attempts to clear these in a format of questions and answers. Three sections dealing with the Vision, Concepts, & Implementation treat the science comprehensively.
Towards a Global Varnasama Culture, 2013, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
This book contains a series of selected articles, news and essays written by various devotees of ISKCON related to the topic of Varnashrama dharma. The various articles have been presented in chronological order, beginning with the most recent document titled "SGGS Convention", covering in total 8 Sections from I to VIII. Papers cover the period from February 2013 going back to the last document of the book titled "Position Paper of GLOVESCO", written in the year 2008. Before each of the eight sections, we have added some explanations under the heading "Background Information" to help readers understand the context and content of the written documents better.
Varnashrama Education, 2008, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
In this book – ‘Varnashrama Education’ the author explains three types of education: Formal education, Non-formal education and Informal education. The author promotes “Aptitude based education leading to aptitude based occupation”. The book begins with ontology of each concept in detail and explains ‘Sambandha, Abhidheya and Prayojana’ in the Context of Bhagavat Dharma and Varnashrama Dharma in a very simple way.
Foundation Pillars of Education, 2014, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
This book centers on the relevancy, effectiveness, objectives and future of traditional educational systems. Without such an education the society remains unstable, and dangerously chaotic and thus always ever changing. Looking at modern education, we can understand how critical and urgent the need to reintroduce such standard knowledge, training the foundational concepts discussed in this book.
These perennial teachings were taught and continue to be practiced in traditional Gurukulas (home of the guru or spiritual master) and Pondok Pesantren (residence for practicing students) that can be seen today respectively in Varnashrama communities in India and Indonesia.
Traditional Education, Selected Interviews , 2012, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
Traditional Education effectively brings out the science behind the method, structure, and curriculum. Insightful interviews on different aspects of education collected from experts in the field including interviews of HH Bhakti Raghava Swami, HG Gopiparanadhana Das and HG Atmatattva Das. It also includes an interesting lecture given by HH Bhakti Vikas Swami on the same subject.
Make Vrindavana Villages - In Support of Varnashrama Dharma, 2007 (Revised Publication: 2011), Varṇāśrama Book Trust
This small booklet is meant to serve as a general introduction to some of the basic concepts of varnasrama-dharma. In essence, the subject matter deals with both the topic of education necessary to introduce cow centred rural communities that creat true social and spiritual upliftment. Unless we understand standard traditional Vedic principles and cuture and urgency to establish varnasrama-dharma, no educational system and no social structure will succeed in bringing about the individual and social stability so much needed in our present misguided society.
Village Life, Our Philosophy, Our Life and our Education, 2010, Varṇāśrama Book Trust
Village Life draws one to deep topics such as Dharma, Technology, Food, Development, Traditional Education, Astrology, Health and Guiding Principles of varnasrama Village Communities. The central theme of the book reflected through the main essay titled – “Village Life – Our Philosophy, Our Education and Our Lifestyle” draws one’s attention towards the importance of village living.