
Website links to various resources and projects centered around Varnashrama, including works from H.H. Bhakti Raghava Maharaj, online courses at Varnashrama College, and devotee agrarian community initiatives.

BRS Védique

BRS VediqueWebsite created by Syama Rupa Prabhu of Montreal, Canada. It presents projects and contains resources mainly from H.H. Bhakti Raghava Maharaj, such as his books, presentations or lectures. The site is best viewed in French, but can be accessed in 18 languages. 

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 ISCOWP’s primary concern is to present alternatives to agricultural and dietary practices that support and depend upon the meat and dairy industries’ slaughter of innocent animals, specifically the cow. To this end, ISCOWP presents the philosophy and implementation of compassionate cow protection. The tenets of cow protection are universal and nonsectarian, available to all regardless of race, creed, or nationality. 

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The Vedic Way / Krsna's Treats

krsna's treats

Website created by Ulises Guerrero to build a Vedic community in Veracruz, Mexico. The most interesting features of the site are the three-dimensional model of the project and Krsna's Treats, a page with recipes.  

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Vedic Eco Village


Located in British Columbia, Canada, Vedic Eco Village is a pioneer community seeking people to participate in daily building, cow empowerment, farming and food preparation. Our mission is to manifest the vision of Varnashrama villages, as proposed by Srila Prabhupada and our Acharyas.  We offer deeper insights into the fundamental values upheld in the Vedic culture, namely the importance of cows, farming and vedic knowledge

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