Bhaktivedanta Gita Pathshala Gurukula

Providing spiritual education, character building, and practical skills through the varnasrama method, Bhaktivedanta Gita Pathshala Gurukula is a traditional Vedic school in Sridham Mayapur. Admission details and curriculum available.


Parents must fill in the Gurukula Admission Form as provided below.          

Personal interviews with the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be conducted on the Gurukula premises once parents/guardians fill in their Gurukula Admission Form and make an appointment with the Headmaster of the Gurukula. An entrance examination will be administered at that time.           


Other than basic reading, writing and mathematics, children will not take up any academic subjects in the early years of their formation. Such academic training may be taken up once the children reach the latter part of their Gurukula training, approximately by the age of 13 or 14, at which time their varna will be ascertained. Once the varna of a young boy is determined based on the four recommended processes formulated by our Vaisnava Acharyas, and once the boy is designated as such, he will take up the curriculum according to that particular varna. Such young boys may be upgraded to the Varnashrama College and be admitted in one of the four faculties based on Catur Vidya, namely

  1. Anviksiki, the Science of Philosophy
  2. Trayi, the Science of Education (Brahmana varna),
  3. Danda Niti, the Science of Politics (Ksatriya varna)
  4. Varta, the Science of Economics (Vaisya varna)

Vedic education is grounded on five foundational pillars described under the following headings:

Definition, Disposition, Delivery, Design of Curriculum, and Destination.

  1. Definition refers to the very meaning of knowledge as described in the Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 7, verse 2, acknowledging true knowledge to be understanding the nature of matter and spirit, the substance of both, their origin and their interrelation.
  2. Disposition refers to the mental disposition and qualifications needed for both the Teachers (Bg 18.42) and the students (Bg 4.34).
  3. Delivery refers to the physical setting where such Vedic education is imparted, for formal academic education in Gurukula, the home of the Guru, and for non-formal education, in a natural setting.
  4. Design of curriculum refers to the standard subjects taught according to Catur Vidya (4 sciences) and Caturdasa Vidya (14 books of knowledge, also sometimes known as Astadasa Vidya (18 books of knowledge).
  5. Destination refers to the end objective and goal of all knowledge, to understand and surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, Bg 18 64.65.66 and Sri Isopanisad, 9.

Daily Schedule

4:00 a.m. Rise, Bath and Japa           
5:00 a.m. Mangala Aratika, Narasimha Prayers, Tulasi Puja, Announcements           
6:00 a.m. Srimad-Bhagavatam (for children, bhajans, kirtan, stories) Japa           
7:15 a.m. Astanga Yoga           
7:30 a.m. Greeting the Deities and Guru Puja 8:00 a.m. Cleaning Room, Cleaning Courtyards 8:30 a.m. Prasadam and Free Time           
9:30 a.m. Gardening/Chess/Reading/Memorizing          
12:00 noon Raja-Bhoga Aratika           
12:30 p.m. Noon Bath           
1:00 p.m. Prasadam           
2.00 p.m. Rest           
3:30 p.m. Chess and other Vedic Games           
4:30 p.m. Gardening           
5:30 p.m. Martial Arts           
6:00 p.m. Bath           
6:30 p.m. Gaura Aratika           
7:00 p.m. Prasadam           
7:30 p.m. Story Telling           
8:00 p.m. Rest          


We follow the Vedic system of no classes on the following three consecutive days of every month: Trayodasi, Purnima (or Amavasya), and Pratipat. In this way the students have six days holiday a month. Students will also travel to holy places twice a year for a period of one month each time, for a total of 2 months. They will systematically visit the Char Dhams as recommended in the sastras:

  1. Badrinath in the north
  2. Jagannath Puri in the east
  3. Ramesvaram in the south
  4. Dwaraka in the west

While traveling they will learn and preach simultaneously. In addition, students may spend up to one month with their parents during the yearly summer recess.


All boys will be trained in the Vaisnava etiquette and social behaviour in keeping with the norms of brahmacarya life. They will bath three times a day and will learn to be ideal gentlemen. Children in the Gurukula will not have their personal cell phones nor their personal computer.          

Dress Code

The gurukula boys will dress with simple dhoti and shawl. They will also be given a chuddar to protect against the cold. No T-shirts are allowed. The students will be given shoes only to travel outside which means that while in the ashram, they don’t wear shoes. All students will keep a shaved head with a small shikha and will wear tilaka on the forehead. Some important information about our Gurukula.

  1. Our Gurukula is under the Varnashrama College Foundation (VCF), an independent Foundation established in the year 2021.
  2. Although not directly under ISKCON, the Gurukula follows the directives of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).
  3. Our Gurukul exclusively provides traditional Vedic education and is not geared or catering to modern education.
  4. We take admission from the age not later than 7 years of age.
  5. Children from all over Bharat can study in our Gurukul as well as children from any other country.
  6. Annual leave varies from one week to one month depending on individual circumstances.
  7. If a student needs any additional leave like attending a wedding ceremony, spiritual celebration, family emergency etc. then the family my members themselves will have to bring the child their own, and the expenses will be borne by the guardians only.
  8. Once a month the students can talk with their parents.
  9. Parents may visit their son only once every 3 months.

Regarding Fees

  1. Our Gurukula operates on the basis of Guru-Dakshina system, there is no fee is charged for admission and education.
  2. We encourage people to donate as much as possible so that we can serve the society better especially in the field of spiritual education which is the need of the time.
  3. When possible, parents are encouraged to bring all the paraphernalia needed for their son like dhoti, shawl, gumcha, chuddar, mosquito net, plate, glass, textbooks, school bag, locker, mat, Bedsheets, towels from their home only.

Regarding Food

  1. Full meals will be served all the three times as per Daily Schedule above.
  2. Only pure vegetarian food is allowed excluding onion and garlic.
  3. Pulses, rice, wheat bread, pure vegetables, fries etc. are given in Prasadam.
  4. Parents or Guardians are not allowed to bring food when visiting the ashram.

Medical Attention

If any student falls ill, if necessary, we will call the doctor to the gurukul and if required then the student will be taken to the nearest hospital.

Required Documents

Photocopies of Aadhar card of child and parents, 6 copies of child's passport size photo. Transfer certificate and mark sheet are also mandatory

Provided Essentials

4 sets dhoti           
3 Gumcha (towel)           
1 shawl           
1 chuddar           
2 sets play dress           
1 locker           
1 set book           
1 Set Thali Glass           
1 School bag           
1 mat,           
1 sheet           
1 Mosquito net


If you have any questions about the Bhaktivedanta Gita Pathshala Gurukula, please contact us. Contact Us