
If any one of us looks around the world today we can see that there has never been a greater need for the teaching of the implementation of Daiva Varnashrama. It is urgent that everyone do what they can to dedicate themselves to serving this greatest need for humanity. And the only way is through education and example in reviving the principles and practices of the varnashrama system of life. Together we can recreate the Vrindavan village atmosphere, organized through the four varna and ashram system as lived by Lord Krishna Himself.             

This is the purpose of our humble attempt in creating the Varnashrama Resource Center and Community.       

This mission will require dedication, commitment, and sacrifice and we ask you to consider making a donation.       

We have created a program where anyone who can dedicate one lakh Rupees towards this project will be able to stay in our beautiful guesthouse on our property in Mayapur Dham for ten days every year for the next ten years. If you are unable to make this size gift, of course you can donate any amount.

"The urgency for this work has never been greater. I need your help to complete this project and awaken the world to these priceless gifts Lord Krishna has given all of us.”   
- HH Bhakti Raghava Swami

Donations within India

UPI handle   

Bank deposits
Account: Varnashrama College Foundation       
Bank: HDFC       
Branch: Kolkata branch       
Account Number: 50200062800512       
IFSC: HDFC0000008       
Customer ID: 181425967

Donations Outside India