Vedic Eco Village @ Varnasrama Resource Centre

Varnasrama Resource Center is both a spiritual Vedic village and an educational project aimed at inspiring people to return to a more natural and God-centered way of life. 

The village is centered around a gorgeous temple dedicated to Their Lordships Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and Balarama, His Elder Brother and constant companion. 

Attached to the temple is a Gurukula, a Vedic-model educational institution, a goshala or ethical dairy farm, a Vaishnava Research Center for research and study of Vedic scriptures, yajna shala or area for conducting Vedic rituals, residential quarters, guest house and permaculture teaching gardens. 

The project is aimed at teaching people in a practical and theoretical way as to build and manage Vedic-style eco-villages around the world and thereby inspiring people to return to a more natural and God-centered way of life. 

Through the propagation of Vedic teachings through literature, courses and classes, this project seeks to revive the ancient Vedic agrarian rural lifestyle, in which people live closely with nature and animals and follow simple living and high thinking. Thereby it also aims to become self-sufficient in food requirements in the traditional Vedic way. 

